Friday, March 25, 2011

Las Vegas, Here We Come!

Well, this must be the year that everyone is going out to Las Vegas to see Mom and Dad. I have jumped on that bandwagon and heading out there myself with Ashley and Anthony. We have spring break next week and I decided that I needed a TRUE vacation. However, I have realized that I will still be a stay-at-home Mom, just in a different location! Oh well! I guess that is the definition of a 24/7 Mom...never getting a break!

We are really looking forward to it though. Our vacations usually consist of: only in the summertime, and camping in the state of Colorado. So we don't "go anywhere" too often. But I felt like this was the time and the year to get the heck outta here! For a few days anyway...

This is probably one of the few weeks out of the year that my kids don't have any major activities going on. So, they won't miss out on anything here. I figured if we did stay here, we probably would just stay at home most of the week, maybe go to the local library, visit a park. You know, nothing real special. Just a week off from school. BORING! As my kids would say. Now, going out to Las Vegas, we will go see the sights and spend most of our time out-and-about the town, and of course spending time with Grandma and Grandpa is very special, since we don't get to see them too often.  The kids are really excited for it! I am too!

We have a few days until we leave, so I will be spending the rest of that time packing and getting the house cleaned up so Jason doesn't have to deal with anything too much while we are gone. He has to stay here and work. Sorry baby! We will be thinking of you!! :)

Get ready for us Mom and Dad! We're a coming!

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