Thursday, August 4, 2011

Winding Down

There are only a few weeks left of our summer vacation. It has been good, but extremely busy for us especially this past month. I am looking forward to school starting, as I will get a little bit of a break while the kids are in school. I know they are not looking forward to it as much as I am. Oh well! (Life is so hard when you're young, right?) I'm mainly just looking forward to having my own time so I can get back in to my rhythm of blogging. I can't believe how little time I have to myself these days! It's been exhausting, but rewarding at the same time.

We have seen most of the summer movies from our list, but I still need to blog about them. I have read a few of the books from my list and watched a couple of the movies, (boy that was a large project I put on my plate this summer) but I'm waiting for some of those movies to come out on DVD. I still need to blog about one of the book and movie combos. I'll get to it eventually. I feel bad that I haven't blogged as much as I've liked to during the summer. It's partly because I've given myself too many challenges, but mainly because I've just been living and enjoying time with my family. So, sorry to all my followers. I'll get back to it eventually.

This last week, we had our final family camping trip of the year and it was the best one of the whole summer! (It helps when there are no problems too.) We went up to Gould, Colorado at Ranger Lakes. If you've never been up there, it's pretty cool. We always see some great moose. It was beautiful and peaceful and a perfect end to our summer! The fishing was actually decent on this trip, even though it was a little hot, and Ashley finally did get her fish fry! :) We got to have a campfire everynight which was great because it's just not camping unless you have a campfire! It did rain on us pretty hard one night, but I guess that's the interesting part of camping. Mother nature always has the last say. But it didn't ruin our trip. It was absolutely fun and of course we'll go up there again. It was so much fun spending time with friends and family. That's always the best part!

So now we are beginning to wind down the summer. We are completing the actvities we wanting to do, but haven't yet. And then we will be preparing for yet another school year. But first...a little relaxation is in order. The calm before the next storm...