Thursday, March 17, 2011

It Must Be Allergy Season

The last few days I've had a scratchy throat, watery eyes, stuffy nose and have been sneezing like crazy. I don't feel like I have a cold because my symptoms are not getting worse. My body doesn't feel like I have a cold either. I'm feeling okay except realizing that I probably have allergies. I've never suffered from allergies before, but I've heard that many people develop allergies as they get older. Great! Add another ailment to my growing list of medical issues!

The wind has been blowing all sorts of stuff through the air the last couple of weeks. The weather has been getting warmer here and I've noticed some flowers starting to bloom in the neighborhood. So the pollen must be what is irritating my sinuses. I'm not 100% sure on that, but what else could it be? I don't have any experience personally with allergies. My daughter has allergies, but she seems to be affected by several things, several times throughout the year. She seems to have allergery irritations at the beginning of every season. But she just takes over-the-counter allergy medication, which seems to help. But she's had allergies most of her life so I think she just deals with it.

I guess I will need to pay attention to how the seasons affect me. Maybe that will help me determine what allergies I have developed. I'm not sure if I'll do anything about it though. As almost everyone who knows me, knows I will just put up with it and not treat it with medication. That's just how I am. However, last night I did take a Benadryl allergy tablet but it didn't seem to help. I kept waking up during the night, feeling like my throat was on fire. This morning I woke up still with a stuffy head. Oh well. I just don't like how medication makes me feel. Worse than the actual illness.

I'm sure in a day or so I'll be feeling better.  If not, oh well...Anthony and I are just laying around the house together. What a life!

1 comment:

  1. As much as I love Vegas, every four months or so I get floored by allergy symptoms. It's like whenever the weather changes, my body gets all out of whack. It's gotten better over the years, but still happens. I never had any problems growing up either. Damn this getting older crap! :) Feel better soon.
