Thursday, February 10, 2011

I am Leo The Lion, Hear Me Roar

The most common word that describes me: STUBBORN. I am the first to admit it. However, I am going to blame my parents for that one. My Mom is also a Leo, the king of the jungle. My Dad is a Gemini, the twins-twice as stubborn. My two closest sisters are just as stubborn too, and since we hang out a lot, our stubbornness becomes contagious. Imperfect Me is also a Gemini and PhynyxRising is a Scorpio, watch out that stinger is dangerous! My husband is a Leo as well, so there is some serious competition in our household. And I was so blessed to have a daughter who is also a Scorpio and a son who is an Aquarius, the water bearer-otherwise known as the leader.  I am constantly surrounded by stubborn people! However, I don't see this trait as a bad thing. I think it has been more positive for me in my life. Honestly, I'm not sure how I could have gotten through most things without my stubbornness! :)

I would also consider myself a "do-er". I like to do things, even though I struggle without doing most normal, everyday things now. I would love to have more done for me, but it's just not in my nature. For some reason, that I cannot even understand, I feel like I need to accomplish as much as possible-without asking for help. I think it's more of a pride thing, hence being a Leo. I don't want to let myself down. I don't like showing weakness...not to anyone...especially me. I am a Leo, let nothing take me down!

I have let people help me out more recently, especially if I do something that may cause more problems for myself. So, I have made some exceptions...small as they seem, I have relinquished some of my power and authority. But somehow, in my mind, it's just easier for me to do some things myself. It will, of course, be done my way. Dang it! Even if it takes me 2 hours to do something that takes other people 30 minutes to do, I'm going to do it. That is the stubbornness in me.

But I think a larger part of it has to do with being a Mom. My daughter gave me this quote and it is so appropriate:

"Of course I can do anything, I'm a Mother."

I think it's also appropriate if it said:

"Of course I can do everything, I'm a Leo."


  1. I love seeing the inner workings of your mind and soul being revealed! I love you and your stubborn self!

  2. Want to know when you are ready to create that special "Lion's Roar wine by hoyt cellers. I'll be waiting.
