Friday, February 11, 2011

Birthday Parties In All Their Awesomeness

This weekend my son, Anthony is turning 7 years old! We are having a pool party at our rec center with about 20 kids. It should be fun and hopefully not too overwhelming. I really am so excited for him being older. He is such a character sometimes, and I just love his personality shining through more every year!

It is really interesting how, as the kids get older, the birthday parties seem to get more extravagant. More money needs to be shovelled out and more kids need to be invited. You can't just invite Timmy because Bobby and Tommy will be upset. And you can't hand out the invitations at school, unless you give one to everyone in the class. So that's what we did. And wherever you chose to have the party, they seem to double the cost...well...because they can. We don't have birthday parties at our house anymore because I am not having 20 kids run around! And what are we going to do? Play Twister? No thanks!

You can't just have that homemade cake presented. It needs to be something spectacular. My son wants to have a Spongebob Squarepants theme, so I'm ordering Spongebob cupcakes from the local grocery store bakery. I'm not spending hundreds of dollars on some cake that will be gobbled up quickly anyway. And of course we can't forget the themed plates, cups and decorations galore! So, I got some napkins to go along with his theme. I'm keeping things pretty basic. I remember one year for my birthday we went to McDonald's. I was so happy about that. I don't think it even had a play area. But it was a treat because we never went there. What happened to those good 'ole days?

We are just not a family that goes all out for birthdays, not like you see on t.v. My husband and I don't really even celebrate our own birthdays anymore. I'm not sure at what age that started, but it's become a tradition for us. We acknowledge our birthdays, but we don't do anything else with them. We celebrate the kids' birthdays though. We just keep it affordable. I guess we are just somewhat old fashioned. Oh well! I'm sure when the kids look back on this, they will see how good they had it, right?

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