Monday, May 9, 2011

Just Another Day

Yesterday was Mothers' Day, and to me it was just another day. It's not that I don't celebrate being a Mother, because I do. There's several days out of the year I celebrate being a Mom...Ashley's and Anthony's birthdays are the main ones. I know that's their day mostly, but I celebrate how I became a Mother on those days too. I just don't want my family to go all crazy on Mothers' Day for me. I would prefer to have more than just one day to be recognized. As Mothers, don't we all want that? And by that I mean recognize the little things I do more often during the year. There are 365 days we work as Mothers. Why is there only 1 day set aside for us? Like 1 day will make the difference! Recognize me out of the blue some day during the year. Am I asking for too much?

The only thing I asked for was to have dinner made for me by Jason and Ashley. That's it. I didn't want to go out anywhere because isn't that what everyone else wants to do? The restaurants are crazy busy on days like that. No thank you! I just wanted a peaceful and relaxing day. They insisted on getting me something though. I understand that is a way my family shows appreciation for me, but for me I would rather have something DONE for me not a gift bought for me. However, I did appreciate it even though I may not have shown it. I think I was a little angry they didn't listen to me...but what's new with that! They got me a smoker, which is something I've been asking for the last 2 years at Christmas time. I'm glad they got something we all can enjoy. I so love my kitchen appliances! :) I love anything that will make cooking easier for me! And I'm excited about all the things I can make with it. Instead of a fried turkey this year, we may be haved a smoked one for Thanksgiving! Yum!

Anyway, I did have a nice day yesterday. I did some laundry...well...because I needed to, but I did have some relaxing moments throughout the day. That's all I can ask for. Dinner was delicious and we had some fun family time playing games. But even though I asked them not to make a fuss over me for Mothers' Day, they still did. I guess I feel pretty special about that. Can I be queen for a day again this year?

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